Display Arduino sensor data using Grafana

Collecting and display sensor data can be fun and helpful. Wouldn’t it be interesting to know the average temperature of last month based on sensor data collected using Arduino, MQTT and a time series database? Ever wanted to know the postman’s show-up times for making future predictions? At Maker Faire Hannover 2017 I presented a demo…

ESP8266 mesh network

As first day owner of several Philips Living Colors / Hue products, I am very sad not to have such Zigbee like protocol in the world of Arduino and ESP. As regular task I am researching for the latest possibilites to run a mesh network using Arduino and/or Espressif’s ESP8266. Actually there are these chances: ESP8266WifiMesh https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/tree/master/libraries/ESP8266WiFiMesh…