Unix permissions on WSL NTFS mount

WSL suffers from missing unix permissions for Windows mounts.Storing ssh keys on NTFS and having it mounted on any WSL environment will not meet file permissions requirements. The files on the NTFS mount will have 777 which is far too open.SSH agent will complain about file permissions set too open. NTFS does not support unix…

Arrow keys not working with bash or WSL in cmder

After reloading my tasks in cmder (ConEmu) arrow keys are not working within WSL or other terminal applications. There is an easy fix. https://github.com/cmderdev/cmder/issues/1832#issuecomment-406810992 Just ensure there is following line added to your tasks. Ensure it is not p, it needs to be “p5”. -cur_console:p5

Issues with WSL after boot?

Sometimes on my business laptop Windows Subsystem for Linux refuses to start.This is often caused by antivirus software. Although this happens not very often, this can be fixed by restarting the Lxss service using cmd (with administrator privileges): sc stop LxssManagersc start LxssManager Nevertheless, it is always helpful to read system logs and understand why…