Xiaomi Mi Wifi Router 3G Alternative Firmware

On the way looking for a new affordable 5GHz router I found the inexpensive and good-looking Xiaomi Router 3G. With its technical specification it fits to my needs at all. Unfortunately I am unable to read and understand Chinese. Moreover I would rather like to rely on a more open-sourced firmware. With alternative firmware and…

ESP8266 mesh network

As first day owner of several Philips Living Colors / Hue products, I am very sad not to have such Zigbee like protocol in the world of Arduino and ESP. As regular task I am researching for the latest possibilites to run a mesh network using Arduino and/or Espressif’s ESP8266. Actually there are these chances: ESP8266WifiMesh https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/tree/master/libraries/ESP8266WiFiMesh…