Welcome to my blog site! I finally decided to have a home for all the tiny things on Internet I’d like to share with the world. The domain was intended for screencasting and e-learning in 2007.
You know, sometimes in life, ideas don’t work out as expected.
There is the Arduino thing I am addicted to – since april 2014.
First there was WS2811 LED stripe. Quickly evolution strikes.. WS2812B LED stripe. I am in love with light emitting diodes since the age of 9.
And actually, the tiny, amazing ESP-8266 wifi module that enables projects to communicate with the world of IP (TCP and UDP). We got to know each other last year in september. Love at first sight.
Imagine all the lovely things you can do: intelligent lamps, mood light bulbs using WS2812B, voice controlled whatever thingy (with the help of rapsberry pi)…
Well enough. I got a lot of project which suffer from incomplete documentation. I’d like to share with the world and improve the ideas behind.
Find me on github in a few weeks.